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If you have ever experienced a dental emergency, you know they can be scary, overwhelming, and quite stressful. Fortunately, this doesn’t have to be the case. There are ways you can prepare for situations like these, and one of those ways is by stocking your first-aid kit with dental emergency items. To help you do so, our dentist, Dr. Damon P. Swenson, is happy to recommend the things to pack in the kit.

First, pack floss. Sometimes food particles and even foreign objects get stuck between the teeth. This can cause pressure and discomfort. When this happens, grab the floss and use it to remove the particle or object.

Second, pack the Save-a-Tooth® System. This is a great product to have handy when you knock a tooth out of the mouth. This is because it’s important to keep the tooth alive so your dentist can implant it back into place. If you cannot put the tooth back into the socket, put it in the system. This will keep the tooth alive for a short time.

Third, pack gauze and pain medication. The gauze can help stop the bleeding in your mouth if you suffer an oral injury. Just place the gauze over the injured area and apply pressure. The pain medication can help you feel comfortable and relaxed until you visit your dentist. Taking ibuprofen or Tylenol can help relieve pain.

To learn more about what you can pack in your first-aid kit to help your smile in Orem, Utah, please reach out to our dental team at CrossPointe Dental. All you need to do is dial 801-224-7337 and we will be more than happy to assist you!